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Fuqua Insurance Agency

1836 Hermitage Blvd, Suite 100
Tallahassee, FL 32308

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Boat Insurance: The Key to Protecting Your Vessel and Your Finances

Owning a Boat: A Major Financial Responsibility

Owning a boat is a major financial responsibility. While it may be worthwhile, the reality is that too many new boat owners enter the situation completely unaware of the financial demand they’re about to encounter. Moreover, they often forget one crucial element of protecting their boat and themselves: boat insurance. Here’s why boat insurance is the key to protecting your vessel and finances. Knowing how to safeguard your boat with the team’s help here at Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL is also important.

Why Should You Get Boat Insurance? It May Just Protect Your Financial Future

Boats are resource-intensive crafts. They cost you tens of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands, to purchase. On top of that, it can cost several hundred dollars a month to maintain your boat, in addition to the hundreds or even thousands of dollars it costs to dock your boat. This is already a major financial commitment. But what happens if you happen to get into an accident? You may not only have to replace or repair your boat but also foot the bill for someone else’s boat repairs and possibly pay for their injuries. The reality is that, much like a vehicle, boat insurance serves as a major form of financial protection that helps reduce the economic burden of such a large investment. By having boat insurance, you ensure you have the coverage to navigate any challenges, so you’re not investing substantially more money into a craft that has been involved in a minor or catastrophic incident.

Find Boat Insurance With Fuqua Insurance Agency

At Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL, we make it easy to compare quotes to find the optimal insurance for your needs. Compare boat insurance quotes with us today, or contact us with any questions you may need help with!

Does boat insurance cover travel in international waters?

At Fuqua Insurance Agency, we serve Tallahassee, FL area residents with the boat insurance they need to protect their finances and property. We’ll help to explain how to make sure that your boat coverage protects you in both domestic and international waters.

Domestic Waters Boat Coverage

The typical policies we sell cover a boat in domestic waters only, meaning US inland bodies of water, including lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, and the ocean along the US coastline. Before a boater can travel into international waters with boat coverage, they need to add on an international travel rider otherwise their boat policy does not cover navigating international waters.

Adding International Waters Coverage

Adding that extra coverage doesn’t take much effort. Simply phone or email us a few days to a week before your trip into the ocean’s depths beyond the Florida coastline. We can add your international waters coverage over the phone or via email.

International waters coverage does more than protect your physical property on your boat and pay for repairs to your boat if it incurs damage. It also extends your liability coverage into those waters beyond the coast. Without this coverage, if involved in an accident in international waters, the boater can also find themselves in trouble with the country of jurisdiction.

Contact Us Today

Don’t go into international waters unprotected by boat insurance! Your domestic boat insurance does not apply there. Fully protect yourself, your property, and others on the water by obtaining international water coverage. It only adds a few dollars to your monthly premium but affords you vast protection. Contact Fuqua Insurance Agency, serving Tallahassee, FL to better protect your financial future.

Boat Damaged by Natural Causes? What You Need to Know About Making a Claim

Storms and hurricanes can be a boat owner’s worst nightmare. At Fuqua Insurance Agency, we understand the needs of boat owners in Tallahassee, FL and are here to help if a natural disaster affects your property. 

Reach Out To Fuqua Insurance Agency Immediately

Don’t try to mitigate the damage before you reach out to your insurance company. Your insurance agency should be contacted as soon as you notice harm to your boat caused by a natural disaster, so you can discuss filing a claim. Your agent will be able to suggest the next action to take, and simply obtaining more information does not require you to submit a claim.

Remove Your Personal Belongings 

Only if it’s safe for you to do so, remove all personal items from the boat to prevent any further damage. If it is unsafe to enter your boat, don’t attempt to remove your personal items. Any damaged or destroyed personal belongings should be immediately reported to your insurance company.

Don’t Move Your Boat

Consult your insurance provider to decide the best course of action if your watercraft has been submerged or if it has been totaled. Do not tow it anywhere and do not execute a salvage contract before speaking with your insurance provider.

We’re here to help!

At Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL, we’re here to help you find the right boating policy that suits your personal needs. Reach out to us today or stop by our office to learn more about our boat insurance policies so that if natural disaster strikes, you’ll be ready. 

Why Full Coverage Boat Insurance is Best in Florida

There’s a lot to love about living in Florida. The sunny weather, the beautiful beaches, the fantastic seafood, and the endless opportunities for outdoor activities are just a few things that make this state so unique. Boating is one of the most popular activities in Florida. Insurance is a must, and full coverage boat insurance is the best way to protect your investment.

Why You Need More Than Liability Boat Insurance

Like most people, you probably think liability boat insurance is enough to protect you from potential accidents or damages. However, this is not the case. Liability insurance only covers damage that you cause to someone else’s property.

It doesn’t cover any damage to your own boat. So full coverage boat insurance is so important. It will protect your boat in the event of an accident, fire, theft, or any other type of damage.

Also, if you have a loan on your boat, your lender will require you to have full coverage insurance. So it’s not just nice to have. It’s a necessity.

Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL can help you get the coverage you need to protect your boat.

What Full Coverage Boat Insurance Covers 

Full coverage boat insurance will protect you financially if your boat is damaged or destroyed. It will also cover the cost of any medical treatment that you or your passengers may need because of an accident. In addition, full coverage boat insurance will cover the cost of legal fees if they sue you because of an accident.

Give Us A Call

Make sure you are fully protected by getting full coverage boat insurance from Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL.

Boat Insurance 101: What You Need to Know

If you’re like most boat owners, you probably don’t give much thought to boat insurance until you need it. And that’s a mistake because the right boat insurance can save you a lot of money and hassle in the event of an accident or theft. So, what do you need to know about boat insurance? Here’s what you need to know about boat insurance.

Most people think of boat insurance as something that covers the physical boat itself. But in reality, boat insurance is much more than that. Boat insurance can cover you for liability in the event that someone is injured while on your boat or if you damage someone else’s property with your boat.

How Much Is Boat Insurance?

The cost of boat insurance depends on several factors, including the value of your boat, the type of boat, the engine size, where you live, and the primary function of the boat. Add-ons like towing and fishing equipment can also affect the cost of boat insurance.

The best way to get an accurate quote is to speak with a boat insurance agent who can tailor a policy to your specific needs.

Who Is Covered Under Boat Insurance?

Boat insurance policies typically cover the named insured and any family members who live with the named insured. Passengers are also typically covered, although there may be some limits on the number of passengers depending on the policy. It’s important to check with your boat insurance agent to be sure.

Should You Get Boat Insurance While It’s in Storage?

If you’re not using your boat for an extended period, you may be tempted to cancel your boat insurance policy to save money. But that’s a mistake. Even if your boat is in storage, it’s still at risk of being damaged or stolen. So, it’s important to keep your boat insurance policy active even when you’re not using your boat.

Get Boat Insurance in Tallahassee, FL

Boat insurance is an important part of owning a boat. By understanding the basics of boat insurance, you can be sure you’re adequately protected in the event of an accident or theft. And that peace of mind is worth the cost of boat insurance. Fuqua Insurance Agency can help you find the right boat insurance policy for your needs in Tallahassee, FL. Contact us today for a free quote.

Boat Insurance Add-ons to Consider

Few things can beat the fun that your boat accords you. Whether it’s sailing, fishing, or cruising, your boat exposes you to a world of limitless fun — and you wouldn’t want anything to stop that. Unfortunately, your boating experience can quickly turn into a nightmare when perils like accidents strike. Thankfully, your ordeal can become less daunting when you have boat insurance from Fuqua Insurance Agency of Tallahassee, FL.

Since boat insurance can be challenging to boat owners, we have put add-ons you can consider to strengthen your coverage. Here are some.

Umbrella insurance

While you may have liability coverage in your boat insurance, it may not hold water when faced with significant liability claims. In such cases, you need umbrella insurance to take over from where your typical liability coverage leaves off. If you have substantial assets to protect, we advise you purchase umbrella insurance to protect what you have worked so hard to accumulate. 

Uninsured boater coverage

Since boat insurance isn’t compulsory in Florida, you are likely to encounter many uninsured boaters. Unfortunately, boaters without insurance leave numerous uncovered losses on their path. The good news is that when you have uninsured boater coverage, you don’t have to worry about less responsible boaters.

Medical payments coverage

While boating accidents are rare, they can cause significant injuries when they happen. Worse yet, these injuries can deter you from resuming your day-to-day activities. Luckily, when you include MedPay or PIP coverage in your boat insurance, you can concentrate on your recovery, knowing that your medical bills and partial loss of income are well taken care of.

Physical damage coverage

Because your boat is valuable to you, it’s vital to ensure its safety inside and outside the waters. Comprehensive and collision coverages cover repairs and even replace your boat from perils like fire, vandalism, theft, accidents, and many others.

Get boat insurance today!

Are you considering boat insurance? You are on the right track. If you are in Tallahassee, FL, and its environs, contact Fuqua Insurance Agency for a quote.

When will having boat insurance be helpful in Florida?

In the Tallahassee, FL area, a great way to enjoy the long summer months is by investing in your very own boat. If you would like to buy a boat, you will want to know that it is properly covered with insurance. Having boat insurance will be helpful in several situations. It can also help you meet certain requirements too.

When Involved in an Accident

The first scenario in which you will be glad that you have boat insurance is when you are involved in an accident. If you are at fault in a boat accident, the liability insurance component of your insurance plan will mitigate this risk and cover damages that the other party has experienced. With a full insurance plan, you will also have the coverage needed to repair your boat as well. 

When Trying to Comply with Requirements

You will also benefit from having a boat insurance plan when you want to comply with various requirements. Anyone that would like to own a boat and use it could have different insurance requirements. If you have financed the purchase of the boat with a loan, you will be required to carry this coverage until you pay off the balance. You may also be required to carry coverage to use certain marinas with insurance requirements for all owners. 

Boat owners in the Tallahassee, FL area will usually need to have an insurance plan. If you are looking for a new policy in this area, it would be good to call Fuqua Insurance Agency. When you contact the Fuqua Insurance Agency, you will get the professional help you need when looking for insurance. We can provide the support that you need to build and purchase a new insurance plan. 

Our Partners

  • Bristol West
  • Foremost
  • Heritage
  • Mercury
  • People's Trust
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • United P&C