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Fuqua Insurance Agency

1836 Hermitage Blvd, Suite 100
Tallahassee, FL 32308

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Boat Insurance: The Key to Protecting Your Vessel and Your Finances

Owning a Boat: A Major Financial Responsibility

Owning a boat is a major financial responsibility. While it may be worthwhile, the reality is that too many new boat owners enter the situation completely unaware of the financial demand they’re about to encounter. Moreover, they often forget one crucial element of protecting their boat and themselves: boat insurance. Here’s why boat insurance is the key to protecting your vessel and finances. Knowing how to safeguard your boat with the team’s help here at Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL is also important.

Why Should You Get Boat Insurance? It May Just Protect Your Financial Future

Boats are resource-intensive crafts. They cost you tens of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands, to purchase. On top of that, it can cost several hundred dollars a month to maintain your boat, in addition to the hundreds or even thousands of dollars it costs to dock your boat. This is already a major financial commitment. But what happens if you happen to get into an accident? You may not only have to replace or repair your boat but also foot the bill for someone else’s boat repairs and possibly pay for their injuries. The reality is that, much like a vehicle, boat insurance serves as a major form of financial protection that helps reduce the economic burden of such a large investment. By having boat insurance, you ensure you have the coverage to navigate any challenges, so you’re not investing substantially more money into a craft that has been involved in a minor or catastrophic incident.

Find Boat Insurance With Fuqua Insurance Agency

At Fuqua Insurance Agency in Tallahassee, FL, we make it easy to compare quotes to find the optimal insurance for your needs. Compare boat insurance quotes with us today, or contact us with any questions you may need help with!

Our Partners

  • Bristol West
  • Foremost
  • Heritage
  • Mercury
  • People's Trust
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • United P&C